Alicia is a member of the group “El Pedregal.” She is 38 years old. She only completed her secondary education. She is married and has three children who attend the community’s primary school. A little more than 9 years ago, she began to sell shoes and cosmetics through catalog sales. She sells door-to-door with her […]
El Pedregal Group – Retail Sales (Acatlan de Perez, Oaxaca, Mexico)
Arche de Noe Group – Clothing (Goma, North Kivu Province, Dem. Rep. of Congo)
Mutima is the leader and chair of the “Noah’s Ark” lending group. She is an entrepreneur, over 50 years of age, married and the mother of six children, all of whom study. Some of them are university students, and several have their own households. She sells used clothing and is a member of a modern […]
Rema II – Clothing (Ngozi, Burundi)
The group Rema II consists of four women and one man. Two female members, Joséphine and Jeanine were sick the day the loan was granted. For that reason, they are represented in the photo by their respective husbands Aloys and Pascal. Jacqueline is the representative of the group Rema II. She lives in Ngozi. She […]
Astou’s Group – Retail (Senegal)
The ‘banc villageois’ which houses this group was created on December 12, 2011. It is composed of 28 women who live in the same village. Their main work includes small-scale commerce and selling fish. Ms. Astou, the featured borrower of the group, is 29 years old. She is married and the mother of a girl. […]
Mujeres Progresando Group – Retail (La Paz/El Alto, Bolivia)
The “MUJERES PROGRESANDO” (Advancing women) communal bank is made up of ten members and is led by a board of directors whose treasurer is Sonia. The businesses run by the communal bank’s members are varied and include: cosmetics sales, a local shop, various products, plants and plant pots, duvet sales, book sales and pork crackling […]
Justine O – Retail, Health (Pobè, Benin)
Justine is married woman, mother of 3 children, two of them still living at home. Her husband is a motorcycle taxi driver. Justine is 52 and never went to school or received any training, but since 1994 she has been running a business. She prepares and sells “tisane”, a type of tea consumed widely in the community. […]
Mamadou K – Retail (Avédji, Lomé, Togo)
Mamadou is 49 and married with a two year old child. He lives with his family at Avédji. He runs a small shop called PETIT MARCHE DE LIBREVILLE, which specializes in food items, which he buys at the large markets of Lomé. He sought a loan purchase additional supplies and expand his business, which is […]
Ablavi M O – Retail (Atakpame, Togo)
Ablavi is a young woman of 30 who has 3 children. Her eldest child is 8 and her youngest is 3. Her two older children are enrolled in school. Ablavi lives in the district of Elisee 2000 in Atakpame with her husband. She runs a restaurant in her neighborhood district which caters to students and […]
Yawo S A – Retail and Service (Adidoadin, Togo)
Yawo is 29 years old and married with 2 children, aged 1 and 2. His wife is a tailor. Yawo has an electrical shop, named ETS MON ETOILE (My Star), focused on the selling and repairing of refrigerators. He started his business in 2000. He lives with his family in Bè-kpota but his work place […]
Issa – Retail (Koutiala, Mali)
Issa is 42 years old, married and lives with his wife and four children in the town of Koutiala (Sikasso Region). He has been working in retail for over 10 years, with a small store located in the Koutiala commercial center. He has built the business with the help of several loans provided through Soro […]