Margaret MC is a 32-year-old woman, married with three children aged 3, 14 and 18. They are in school and they all live in West Point, Montserrado County. Margaret is a high school graduate, and for the past six years has been running a shop where she sells many items like soft drinks, beer, shout, […]
Zaman – Food retail (Iraq)
Zaman is 35 years old and single. He lives with six family members, three of whom are employed. Zaman owns a small café that he established in 2010, and he now has an employee. He built up experience in the field, and is well known in the surrounding area with an excellent reputation. Zaman is […]
Saparkul – Food Stall (Ana-Kyzyl, Özgön (Uzgen) Kyrgyzstan)
Saparkul is a 49-year-old widow with a high school education, and is the mother of 5. She operates a stall selling rice at the central market in the city of Uzgen. Her goal is to improve her family’s standard of living, to give her children a university education, and to expand her business. She is […]
Mujeres al Triunfo – Food and other retail (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
This is a group loan to Mujeres al Triunfo (Women to victory) is composed of 15 women who operate various businesses in relatively poor urban neighborhoods surrounding Santo Domingo. Juana (pictured far left) is the coordinator of the group. She lives in a simple structure with her long-term partner, and says that her biggest challenge […]
Virginia I – Food shop (El Alto, La Paz, Bolivia)
Virginia is a member of the “Las Favoritas” communal bank which has nine members shown in the photo. The members of Las Favoritas have various types of businesses, including selling food, clothes, blankets and building items such as cut bricks and plaster. Virginia began with a cheese business a few years ago and is now […]