Julmira is 28 years old and is married. She has a child that is still under age. Julmira operates a kiosk in front of her house. She also raises animals, such as pigs, goats and chickens, in her house that she can sell to generate some income. She is taking a loan to buy some […]
Nuri 2 Group – Food Retail (Jatinegara, Indonesia)
Ninis is 38 years old, and has 5 children, including Anggi (14 years old) and Ikhsan (10 years old), who are still in school and a 2-year-old toddler, Nur. Her business sells fried chicken and is located 200 meters from her house. She has run this business for 4 years. Her business income will help […]
Paul – Food Retail (Kagadi, Uganda)
Paul is a married man, age 32, with two children who have not yet started school. He is a produce dealer involved in coffee and ground nuts, which he started as a major business to sustain the family. Paul is also involved in farming as an additional source of income; he operates these businesses in […]
Ma. Corazon – Food Retail (Bago, Negros Occidental, Philippines)
Ma. Corazon is a married woman who lives in Bago City, Negros Occidental. She earns her living by operating a business buying and selling rice grains. Her husband Alfredo G. D., who is 46 years old, works as a farmer to earn his living. He also helps with his wife’s business activities. They have 2 […]
Kambi – Food Retail (Tiribe, Kenya)
Kambi is a 21-year-old single gentleman who lives with his parents in the rural area of Tiribe. He has been running his own kiosk for four months. He used to work in farming. Since he is still in his initial stages, he has just few products. Kambi is asking for a loan to buy beans, […]
Mufari Group – Food Retail (Goma, North Kivu Province, Dem. Rep. of Congo)
Nsimire is treasurer for the Mufari group, a courageous entrepreneur, and mother of seven children, all of whom go to school. Her spouse is a teacher at a public school. Nsimire sells foodstuffs. She stocks up in the countryside. She started this business with her own funds that she received from her husband. This new […]
Motia – Food Retail (Sana’a, Yemen)
Motia is a 24-year-old single man who lives in Sana`a, Yemen. He opened his own grocery store to earn an income. He has seven years experience in business, and he hopes his skills will help him. He is a hard worker, putting much effort into improving his family’s living conditions. Motia’s loan will be used […]
Ghassan – Food Retail (Ain Al Helwi, Lebanon)
Ghassan is a 48-year-old married man and a father of five children. He has owned a convenience store since 2003, selling various products from foodstuffs to candies, beverages and detergents. Ghassan has faced financial hardships due to lack of capital, but with his determination and the support of his wife who helps him in the […]
Kodjovi A V – Food Retail (Bè-kpota, Lome, Togo)
Kodjovi is a shopkeeper from Bè-kpota in the Togolese capital Lome. He is 33 and married but does not have any children yet. Kodjovi’s sells mainly maize, rice and sugar. He buys the staple grains from northern Togo from particular villages where he has established relationships with farmers, then brings them back to sell in […]
Elisabeth – Food Retail (Yaoundé, Cameroon)
Elisabeth is 30 years old. She is married and taking care of two children. She currently owns a small food shop near her home where she sells food products such as fresh fish, plantains, etc. Her business is doing well and its environment is healthy. She sought this loan to help her expand stock and […]