The Wangninan 2 group is based in the Adjroko district of Benin. There are 35 women in this group, aged between 18 and 60. These women are married, divorced and some are widows. The women have children who go to school or who are under five. The group has previously accessed many loans from the […]

Wangninan 2 Group – Food Retail and Service (Adjroko District, Benin)

Limbikani Group – Food Retail (Salima District, Malawi)
The Limbikani group comprises 13 women aged between 20 and 45, and is based in the Salima district of Malawi. The women have children and orphans aged between 1 and 15, some of whom go to school while some are under five. These women are married and most of their husbands are running businesses. They […]

Maziko Group – Food Retail and Service (Kasungu District, Malawi)
The Maziko credit group is based in the Kasungu district of central Malawi. There are 16 women in this group, aged between 20 and 55. Many are married, others are divorced or widowed – with children or orphans. The women of the Maziko credit group generally run market stalls selling vegetables, while some run restaurants […]

Yankho Group – Food Retail (Kasungu, Malawi)
The Yankho credit group is based in the Kasungu district, in the central region of Malawi. There are 25 women in this group, aged between 20 and 55. The women are married, divorced, and some are widows. They have children and orphans who go to school. The women of the Yankho credit group run small-scale […]

Wangninan Group – Food, Retail & Service (Adjroko District, Benin)
The WANGNINAN 1 Group has 44 members (43 women and 1 man, aged between 25 and 50 years old), and is based in the Adjroko district of Benin. The group members run various businesses, including selling tomatoes, beans, fish, tailoring services, hairdressing, second-hand clothes and various catering services. WANGNINAN 1 Group took their first loan […]

Abrahatsiyone – Food Retail (Washington DC, United States)
Abrahatsiyone is originally from Eritrea, in East Africa. She is a mother of four children. Abrahatsiyone has been operating a food truck in the DC metro area for the past 23 years, primarily selling hot dogs, chips, snacks, drinks, and a few Ethiopian food items such as injera, a traditional handmade bread. Last year Abrahatsiyone […]

Maranatha Group – Food Retail (Brazzaville, Congo)
Marie, age 40, is a member of the Maranatha group. Marie sells bread with assorted toppings at her local market. Many people stop at these small bread stands for a quick lunch or snack during the day. She provides several options to put on the bread, including cheese, sausage, chocolate, butter, and peanut butter. She […]

San Judas Tadeo Group – Food Retail (Vicente, Oaxaca, Mexico)
San Judas Tadeo is the name of a group located in a sugarcane region where the people work in the fields, sowing and harvesting sugarcane. This group is made up of seven people. Each of them has a financial activity: Virginia sells groceries, Paula sells food, Ines sells clothing, Eufemia sells tortillas, Sara sells clothing, […]

Carlos – Food Retail (Choluteca, Honduras)
Sr. Carlos, 53, lives with his wife in southern Honduras. His wife helps him with his business and every other way, too. Don Carlos has operated a retail fruits and vegetables business in his town for 15 years. He operates the business in a good location, right in the middle of the town, and the […]

Rosita – Food Retail (Dili, Timor-Leste)
Rosita is 29 years old. She runs a shop in the market and she will use the loan to buy food to keep in her store such as tofu, chicken and vegetables. She is making good money from the shop and she wants to apply for a bigger loan in the future. Rosita is living […]