ProPhilanthropy Beneficiary

Nuri 2 Group – Food Retail (Jatinegara, Indonesia)

Ninis is 38 years old, and has 5 children, including Anggi (14 years old) and Ikhsan (10 years old), who are still in school and a 2-year-old toddler, Nur. Her business sells fried chicken and is located 200 meters from her house. She has run this business for 4 years. Her business income will help her save up to buy a motor cycle and help her fulfill her family’s needs more easily.

She will use this loan to buy a gas tube, chicken, and rice warmer. She plans to expand her business and have her own kiosk. She is excited for her business because she is the only one who sells fried chicken in her village. Buying more ingredients is the obstacle to running this business.

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